Engineer, programmer, musician, geek.

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John Riggles



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About me

I'm a self-taught Pythonista with a background in audio and electronics engineering. I write code for a living, with a focus on data acquisition and UI/UX. In my off time, I play the guitar, fix things, and make new things. My latest hardware project is my custom-designed mechanical keyboard called DELPHI. You can learn more about it and some of my other open-source projects below.

My tecnical areas of interest include (in no particular order) mechanical keyboards, guitar tech, PCB design, MSLA (resin) 3D printing, web dev, game dev, graphic design, and more...

My non-technical areas of interest include Dungeons & Dragons, astronomy and astropyhsics, craft beer, pixel art, linguistics, video games, cooking, and science fiction just to name a few!


Almost every project starts as an excuse to learn something new or practice something I've learned. Here's what I've been working on lately:

a photo of my custom keyboard called DELPHI

A.K.A. "Dual Ergolinear Low-Profile Human Interface". DELPHI is a minimal split mechanical keyboard designed to combine ergonomics and an ortholinear layout into a small form factor.

a photo of a guitar booster pedal I call 'Seedling'

Tonegrove is my brand for guitar effects pedals designed and hand-built by me. My first design, an ultra-clean booster/buffer called "Seedling", is available now. If you're interested, please consider supporting my Reverb shop!

Lospec Palette Importer
a screenshot of my Aseprite extension 'Lospec Palette Importer'

This Aseprite extension allows you to import and use color palettes from It's available as a "pay what you want" tool on If you find it useful, please consider donating to support further development!

an image of partial source code

A CircuitPython library for the TPS43 and TPS65 trackpad modules from Azoteq.

If you'd like to know more about how I built this site, you can check out the source code on GitHub