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 John Riggles
Engineer, programmer, musician, geek.
About me

I'm a self-taught full-stack developer with a background in audio and electronics engineering. My work focuses on Python development for data acquisition, data visualization, and UI/UX design.

Outside of work, I enjoy playing guitar, repairing and creating, and working on hardware and software projects. Most of my projects are open-source, and you can learn more about them here.

Technically, I'm passionate about mechanical keyboards, guitar tech, PCB design, MSLA 3D printing, web and game development, and graphic design. Beyond tech, I love Dungeons & Dragons, astronomy and astrophysics, craft beer, pixel art, linguistics, cooking, science fiction, and video games.


Almost every project starts as an excuse to learn something new or practice something I've learned. I develop apps, libraries, and hardware to solve specific problems and enhance my workflow.

I've written a few extensions for the Aseprite pixel art editor, all of which are available on my page for free / "pay what you want"; if you find any of them useful, please consider donating to support future development!

My hardware projects include custom mechanical keyboards, guitar effects pedals, and more.

Aseprite Extension Updater
a screenshot of my 'Aseprite Extension Updater' project

Aseprite Extension Updater is a tool that helps you keep your Aseprite extensions up to date. It checks participating extensions for updates and allows you to download and install them with ease.

Canvas Templates
a screenshot of my 'Canvas Templates' project

Canvas Templates is an Aseprite extension that provides a set of templates for common canvas sizes and layouts, including sizes for some famous retro game consoles. It's designed to help artists quickly set up their workspace and start creating without worrying about canvas dimensions.

Copy Color Channel
a screenshot of my 'Copy Color Channel' Aseprite extension

This Aseprite extension allows you to copy individual color channels to separate layers. It's useful for advanced image editing and manipulation.

a photo of my custom keyboard called DELPHI

A.K.A. "Dual Ergolinear Low-Profile Human Interface". DELPHI is a minimal split mechanical keyboard designed to combine ergonomics and an ortholinear layout into a small form factor.

a demo gif of my 'EaseSprite' Aseprite extension

EaseSprite is an Aseprite extension that provides easing functions for smooth animations. It helps you create more natural and visually appealing animations in your sprite work.

Flatten to New Layer
a screenshot of my 'Flatten to New Layer' Aseprite extension

This Aseprite extension allows you to flatten all visible layers into a new layer, preserving the original layers. It's useful for non-destructive editing workflows.

a demo gif of my 'Git-Real' project

Git-Real is a CircuitPython project that uses an Adafruit ESP32 Feather and an LED matrix display wing to provide a real-life display of your GitHub commit history. It's a fun way to visualize coding progress and stay motivated!

an image of partial source code for my IQS5XX Python library

IQS5XX is a CircuitPython library for the TPS43 and TPS65 trackpad modules from Azoteq (the name comes from the family of interface chips used on those modules).

Lospec Palette Importer
a screenshot of my Aseprite extension 'Lospec Palette Importer'

This Aseprite extension allows you to import and use color palettes from

an image of the LTOTD app icon

LTOTD (Lospec Tag of the Day) is a MacOS menu bar app that displays the current Lospec Tag of the Day. It's written in Python using the rumps library.

an image of the PDBar app icon

PDBar is a MacOS menu bar app that displays the current Pixel Dailies prompt. It's written in Python using the rumps library.

Sluggify Lua

Sluggify Lua is a Lua port of skeddles/sluggify that converts strings into URL-friendly slugs. I originally wrote it as a part of Lospec Palette Importer, but I thought it might be useful on its own. You can use it to create clean and readable URLs from arbitrary text.

Sluggify Python

Sluggify Python is a Python port of skeddles/sluggify that converts strings into URL-friendly slugs. It's the same as Sluggify Lua, but in Python!

a photo of a guitar booster pedal I call 'Seedling'

Tonegrove is my brand for guitar effects pedals designed and hand-built by me. My first design, an ultra-clean booster/buffer called "Seedling", is available now. If you're interested, please consider supporting my Reverb shop!

an image of partial source code for my 'tkfeather' Python package

tkfeather is a Python package that allows you to use Cole Bemis' Feather Icons in Python's built-in GUI framework, tkinter. Run pip install tkfeather to try it out!

If you'd like to know more about how I built this site, you can check out the source code on GitHub

©2022-25 John Riggles

Project source code is licensed MIT unless otherwise marked. This website's content is licensed CC BY NC SA 4.0

I am not affiliated with Aseprite, Feather Icons, GitHub, Lospec, etc. All trademarks are property of their respective owners